
Key Takeways

Video Addendum

the % symbol is used for the mod operator. a % b would return the remainder after a is divided by b. For example: 14 % 5 is 4. and 3 % 10 is is 3.

For more help see: (Khan Academy)[]


  • For each of the code samples below
    1. Describe what you think is wrong with the code (This means write it down in complete sentences!).
    2. Confirm your hypothesis by building a memory table
    3. Double check your work by trying to run the code in an example Repl.
  • Currently your calculator asks the user for two numbers. Create a new repl, where you have a calulator that asks for both 2 numbers and one of the following operators + - * / %. It should then print out the result.
    • After you’ve finished that, upgrade your calulator again to ask it for 3 numbers and 2 operator. Be sure to also print out the result not only at the end, but after each operator!
    • What about 4 numbers and 3 operators?
    • What about 5 numbers and 4 operators?
    • Did you notice any patterns as to what you were doing? Try describing what you think the pattern is (This means write it down in complete sentences!).
    • Note: Do NOT worry about order of operations.

Code Samples

Sample 0
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int avg_rainfall_us_inches = 31
        int avg_rainfall_wa_inches = 38;
            int avg_rainfall_seattle_inches = 37;
    std::cout << "Average Rainfall in the US is " << avg_rainfall_us_inches << "inches" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Average Rainfall in Washington is " << avg_rainfall_wa_inches << "inches" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Average Rainfall in Seattle is " << avg_rainfall_seattle_inches << "inches" << std::endl;
Sample 1
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int num_days = 11;
    std::cout << "Avatar hit $1 billion dollars in " << num_days << std::endl;

    int num_days = 5;
    std::cout << "Avengers hit $1 billion dollars in " << num_days << std::endl;
Sample 2
#include <iostream>

int main() {
        int num_days = 11;
        std::cout << "Avatar hit $1 billion dollars in " << num_days << std::endl;
        int num_days = 5;
        std::cout << "Avengers hit $1 billion dollars in " << num_days << stdendl;

End of Assignment Checklist

  • I finished all the assignments.
  • I shared my assignments with others.
  • I provided feedback for assignments of at least 2 others.
  • I addressed the feedback from others and thanked them for the review.